So I promised myself for my birthday this week, I would become more vulnerable with my business by sharing my face more often (which, let’s be real, is hard) and try to connect with my current and future clients more by beginning a blog.  If I expect you to open up and share your vulnerable side through pictures I take of YOU, I need to do the same.  In photography, not only do I need to share the images I create to get business but sell who I am as a person since I AM the business.   And if we don't vibe, that's okay! Because there are plenty of amazing photographers in our area and it's always community over competition in my book. So I think all of that starts with telling you about the reason I began Valerie B Photography.  I could tell you simple facts (my kids, flexibility, and so on) but I like to dive deep into all the things as much as I possibly can in life.

So hi!  If you follow me already, you know that my name is Valerie.  Simply put, I am a mom of three growing souls (2 girls + 1 boy) which has been a huge life changing/ever growing accomplishment and blessing I do not take for granted. I am a wife to a beard growing, wood choppin’, can’t-sit-still man that I have loved for over two decades. I am a Gemini (IYKYK), my sister is my bestie and love to wear black but have been trying to explore the colorful side of clothes lately (if you see me in bright colors or a pattern you know I’m stepping out of my comfort zone that day).  I’m also just now realizing that when I take self portraits, I always prefer them in black & white as well.  I wonder what this says about me?

I started this small business as a way for me to create flexibility with my career and with my family, however, it has already become way more than that. I have never felt more empowered and in control of my life as I do with this profession.  The structure + routine that can be made with such a creative field has been life fulfilling already in such a short amount of time and the growth I can see coming is my everyday motivation.  I am the type that loves to learn and continue learning.  Once I become stagnant I get bored and lose all motivation.  Motivation which I have come to realize in life has to be made - you can’t wait around for inspiration to strike all the time. You have to continue searching for it!  Something I’m so glad to have learned and will preach to my kids as they grow.     

My photography dream all started with being burnt out at a job I used to love (wedding planning) and lots of searching for my next step.  I have posted about this before, but if you haven’t listened to or don’t follow Mel Robbins - you absolutely should!  She’s an author, motivational speaker and has a background in law.  Everything she says speaks inspiration and truth; especially if you are looking for a new beginning.  Her words spoke to me and after realizing that the people I am jealous of professionally are the ones I should look at for direction - my world opened right up to family photography.  I was so easy and simple to see it.

So my why is women. And empowering women, especially moms, through my camera lens. My why is my family - my kids. My girls and my baby boy and what I want them to learn about life. My why is the hardest working husband ever. And my why is ME. Because I have this life that is amazing and I want to live it the best way possible - which means including connection, people and making moments freeze for others so they can see the beauty in every situation.

I love bright, crisp, clear portraits where you can see into the person's eyes and see what they are thinking.  Moody, up close black & whites that have a lot of texture and playful, candids of kids running on the beach.  I love the chaos that comes with family sessions and the ability to capture moments that you can’t capture on your iphone.  Squishy newborns and tiny toes are the end of me. I will be growing my lifestyle newborn portfolio some more this year towards the end of the summer so keep an eye out for more on that.  I would also very much like to eventually do birth photography, but I plan to grow into that as my children get older and my time becomes more flexible.  

As I grow this business of mine I am seeking connection.  I want the clients who find me to crave more time together and for us to enjoy our experience together.  Pictures with our kids are such a blessing and treasure and I strive to create images that you will love, laugh at and pass down for generations, as my style is pretty classic and traditional as I see it.  

So if you found my little space on the internet, something brought you here - whether it was my face, my blog post, my story or my images (or my silly Instagram reels that are mostly ridiculous).  Reach out - let’s connect.  I would love to help create and show off the beauty that is you and your family.

I intend to share a monthly thoughts on this platform.   Sometimes it’ll be my thoughts like this and sometimes clients and their beautiful sessions.  Please follow along.


Valerie B

Natural light family photography, including maternity and in home newborn located in Pensacola, Florida.

in-home newborn sessions